Unlocking Nature’s Bounty: Crafting Free Liquid Fertilizer Using an Ancient Method

Crafting Your Own Compost Tea: A Step-by-Step Guide


  • Compost: Use well-aged compost that’s free from pathogens.
  • Water: Use clean, non-chlorinated water. Rainwater or water that has been dechlorinated is ideal.
  • Aeration Device: A simple fish tank bubbler or an aquarium pump will do.
  • Container: A 5-gallon bucket or similar container with a lid.
  • Mesh Bag: A nylon or cheesecloth bag to hold the compost.


  1. Prepare the Compost: Ensure the compost is well-aerated and moist. You can add a bit of water if it’s too dry.
  2. Fill the Container: Fill the container with clean water, leaving about 4-6 inches of space at the top.
  3. Brew the Tea: Place the compost in the mesh bag and submerge it in the water. Secure the bag to the container using a weight or clip.
  4. Aerate: Attach the aeration device and ensure it constantly bubbles throughout the brewing process.
  5. Brewing Time: Allow the tea to brew for 24-72 hours. The longer it brews, the stronger it becomes.
  6. Strain and Store: After brewing, carefully remove the compost bag and strain the tea through a fine mesh sieve to remove any solids. Store the tea in an airtight container in a cool, dark place for up to two weeks.

Tips for Success:


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