10 Plants that Attract Dragonflies for Mosquito Control

Dragonflies are not only fascinating insects but also effective predators of mosquitoes and other small insects. By attracting dragonflies to your garden or yard, you can naturally reduce mosquito populations without relying on chemical pesticides. One effective way to encourage dragonflies to frequent your outdoor space is by planting vegetation that they find attractive for shelter, breeding, and hunting. Here are 10 plants that can help attract dragonflies and promote natural mosquito control:

1. Water Iris (Iris pseudacorus)

  • Description: Water irises are perennial plants with striking yellow flowers that thrive in wetland environments.
  • Why Dragonflies Like Them: They provide sturdy stems for perching and their dense foliage offers shelter and breeding sites near water sources.

2. Pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata)

  • Description: Pickerelweed is a native aquatic plant with blue-purple flower spikes and broad leaves.
  • Why Dragonflies Like Them: It grows in shallow water and provides ample perching spots for dragonflies, along with a habitat for mosquito larvae.

3. Horsetail (Equisetum hyemale)

  • Description: Horsetail is a unique perennial plant with segmented, bamboo-like stems that grow in moist or aquatic environments.
  • Why Dragonflies Like Them: Its dense growth provides shelter and perching opportunities near water, where dragonflies can hunt mosquitoes.

4. Blue Flag Iris (Iris versicolor)

  • Description: Blue flag iris is another wetland plant known for its blue to purple flowers and sword-like leaves.
  • Why Dragonflies Like Them: Similar to water irises, they offer sturdy perches and sheltered areas near ponds or streams.

5. Bog Bean (Menyanthes trifoliata)


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