Apricot Jam Recipe


  • 3 1/2 cups of Apricots: Pitted and finely chopped. You can rinse, pit, and chop the apricots by hand or use a food processor for convenience.
  • 5 3/4 cups of Sugar: Adjust the amount based on your sweetness preference. This amount creates a balanced sweetness, but you can reduce it slightly if you prefer a less sweet jam.
  • 1/4 cup of Fresh Lemon Juice: This helps to balance the sweetness and enhance the flavor of the apricots.
  • 1 packet of Pectin (optional): Pectin helps the jam to set properly, especially if your apricots are very ripe and low in natural pectin.


  1. Prepare the Apricots:
    • Start by thoroughly washing the apricots under cold running water.
    • Pit the apricots by cutting them in half and removing the seeds. Chop the apricots finely by hand or pulse them in a food processor until they reach your desired consistency.
  2. Cook the Apricots:
    • Place the chopped apricots in a large, heavy-bottomed pot. Add the fresh lemon juice to the pot. The lemon juice not only adds a hint of tartness but also helps to preserve the color and flavor of the jam.
    • Cook the apricots over medium heat until they start to soften and release their juices, which should take about 5-10 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent the fruit from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
  3. Add the Sugar:
    • Gradually add the sugar to the pot, stirring continuously until it is completely dissolved. The sugar will help to draw out more juice from the apricots, creating a syrupy mixture.
    • If you’re using pectin, now is the time to add it according to the packet instructions. Pectin helps the jam to set, especially if the apricots are very ripe.
  4. Cook the Jam:
    • Increase the heat to medium-high and bring the mixture to a full rolling boil. This is a boil that doesn’t stop bubbling when stirred.
    • Continue to cook the jam, stirring frequently to prevent burning, until it thickens. This process usually takes 15-20 minutes. To test if the jam is ready, place a small spoonful on a cold plate and let it cool for a minute. If it gels and holds its shape when you push it with your finger, it’s ready.
  5. Skim Off Foam:
    • While the jam is boiling, foam may form on the surface. Skim off the foam with a spoon and discard it. Removing the foam ensures a clear, smooth jam.
  6. Sterilize the Jars:
    • While the jam is cooking, sterilize your jars and lids by boiling them in water for at least 10 minutes. This step is crucial to prevent spoilage.
    • Let the jars and lids air dry on a clean towel.
  7. Fill the Jars:
    • Once the jam has reached the desired consistency, carefully ladle the hot jam into the sterilized jars, leaving about 1/4 inch of space at the top.
    • Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean, damp cloth to ensure a good seal, then place the lids on and screw the bands on tightly.
  8. Process the Jars:
    • Process the filled jars in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. This step ensures that the jars are sealed properly and the jam is preserved safely.
    • After processing, remove the jars from the water and let them cool completely on a towel or rack. You should hear the lids pop as they seal.
  9. Check the Seals:
    • Once the jars are completely cool, check the seals by pressing down on the center of each lid. If the lid doesn’t move, the jar is sealed. If it pops back, refrigerate the jar and use it within a few weeks.
  10. Store the Jam:
    • Store the sealed jars in a cool, dark place. Properly sealed jars of apricot jam can last for up to a year.
    • Once opened, store the jam in the refrigerator and consume it within a few weeks.


  • Adjusting Sweetness: If you prefer a less sweet jam, you can reduce the amount of sugar, but keep in mind that sugar also acts as a preservative.
  • Adding Flavors: You can enhance the flavor of your apricot jam by adding a vanilla bean, a cinnamon stick, or even a splash of almond extract during cooking.
  • Consistency: If you find that your jam is too runny, you can cook it a bit longer to evaporate more liquid. If it’s too thick, you can add a small amount of water or fruit juice to thin it out.

Enjoy your homemade apricot jam spread on toast, as a filling for pastries, or as a topping for desserts!

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